The following chart outlines the typical checkup and immunization schedule. There may be circumstances which call for slightly different administration of vaccines based on vaccine availability, your child’s health or other factors. Your doctor will discuss an immunization schedule for your child.


  • HepB = hepatitis B. Protects against bloodborne viral infection of the liver. Total of 3 shots.
  • DTaP = diptheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis. Protects against diptheria, a bacterial respiratory illness, tetanus, a bacterial infection commonly known as lockjaw, and pertusis, a bacterial infection commonly known as whooping cough. Total of 5 shots.
  • IPV = inactivated polio vaccine. Protects against viral infection which can cause childhood paralysis. Total of 4 shots.
  • Hib = haemophilus influenzae type B. Protects against bacterial infection which can cause pneumonia, meningitis or other invasive infections. Total of 4 shots.
  • Pneumococcal = protects against pneumococcal bacterial infection which can cause pneumonia, meningitis or other invasive infections Total of 4 shots.
  • Rota = rotavirus. Protects against viral infection causing vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration. Total of 3 doses by mouth.
  • HepA = hepatitis A. Protects against viral foodborne infection of the liver. Total of 2 shots.
  • MMR = measles, mumps, rubella. Protects against childhood viral infections. Total of 2 shots.
  • Varicella = chickenpox. Protects against childhood viral infection. Total of 2 shots.
  • TdaP = tetanus and pertussis booster. See DTaP above. Booster every 5 years as a child.
  • Menquadfi = Meningitis serogroups A, C, W, and Y -protects against bacterial infection causing meningococcal meningitis. Total of 2 shots
  • Trumenba =Meningitis serogroup B – protects against bacterial infection causing meningococcal meningitis. Total of 2 or 3 shots depending on interval between shots.
  • HPV = human papilloma virus. Protects against sexually transmitted viral infection of the female cervix or male genitalia that is known to cause cancer and genital warts. Total of 2 if series completed before 15 years old or 3 shots if not completed before 15 years old.
  • Flu = Influenza –  Protects against influenza and reduces the risk of serious infection and  death caused by influenza. First time given if under 9 years old requires 2 doses, 1 month apart and then annually after that. If over 9 years old only requires 1 dose annually.
  • COVID = SARS-COVID 19 Pfizer/BioNTech- Protects against SARS-COVID-19 and reduces the risk of serious infection and  death caused by SARS-COVID-19.  Under 5 years old requires 3 doses and then annually after that. If over 5 years old only requires 1 dose annually.
  • PPD = tuberculosis screening test.
Age Required Shots Recommended Labs or Testing
Newborn HepB (if not given in hospital) Bilirubin if needed
1 month (optional) HepB none
2 months DTaP, IPV, Hib, Pneumococcal, Rota none
4 months DTaP, IPV, Hib, Pneumococcal, Rota none
6 months DTaP, IPV, Hib, Pneumococcal, Rota  Flu, COVID none
9 months HepB Flu, COVID none
1 year MMR ,Varivax, HepA
  • blood count
  • lead level
  • vision photoscreen
15 months Pneumococcal and Hib Flu, COVID none
18 months DTaP, Hep A Flu, COVID none
2 years None if up to date(Hep A if not given at 18 months) Flu, COVID
  • blood count
  • lead level
  • TB screening test for high risk groups
  • vision photoscreen
2.5 years None Flu, COVID As needed
3 years None Flu, COVID
  • As needed
  • TB screening test for high risk groups
  • vision photoscreen
4 years
  • MMR
  • DTaP
  • IPV
  • Varicella
  • blood count
  • lead level
  • hearing and vision tests
  • PPD
  • urine as needed
  • TB screening test for high risk groups
5 years Catch-up as needed Flu, COVID
  • hearing and vision tests
  • PPD for high-risk groups
  • labs and urine as needed
6–10 years Catch-up as needed Flu, COVID
  • hearing and vision every 1 to 2 years
  • PPD for high-risk groups
  • labs and urine as needed
11 years TdaP, HPV and Menquadfi Flu, COVID
  • hearing and vision every 1 to 2 years
  • PPD for high-risk groups
  • labs and urine as needed
12–18 years Catch-up as needed

  • TdaP booster dose given at 17 or 18 yrs old
  • HPV
  • Menquadfi 2nd dose after 16 yrs old
  • Trumenba 2 or 3 dose series started at 17 yrs old
  • hearing and vision every 1-2 years
  • PPD for high-risk groups
  • labs and urine as needed